
Building a Responsible Future: Ethical Cobalt Sourcing Powered by Blockchain

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Written by
Shivani Tripathi
Published on
July 27, 2023

Cobalt is a critical mineral, and its demand has increased significantly due to the rise in electric vehicle manufacturing and other clean energy technologies. Ethical cobalt sourcing refers to the process of obtaining cobalt used in various industries, such as electronics, batteries, and renewable energy technologies, in a manner that prioritizes social and environmental responsibility, as well as the well-being of workers and local communities involved in the production. In this blog article, we'll discuss the active role of blockchain technology in empowering ethical cobalt sourcing.

Cobalt Sourcing and Its Implications

Cobalt is a critical mineral, and its demand has increased significantly due to the rise in electric vehicle manufacturing and other clean energy technologies. In this blog article, we'll discuss the active role of blockchain technology in empowering ethical cobalt sourcing. It is an essential component of these batteries, and its sourcing has been a subject of concern due to ethical, environmental, and geopolitical issues.

Here are some key points related to cobalt sourcing:

Geographical Distribution

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the world's largest producer of cobalt, accounting for more than 70% of global supply. However, the cobalt mining industry in the DRC has been associated with numerous challenges, including issues with child labor, unsafe working conditions, and environmental damage.

Ethical Concerns

Cobalt mining in the DRC has faced scrutiny due to the involvement of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), where child labor and exploitative practices have been reported. Companies have been urged to ensure their supply chains are free from these unethical practices.

Environmental Impact

Cobalt mining can have significant environmental impacts, including deforestation, soil degradation, and water pollution. Minimizing the ecological footprint of cobalt extraction is crucial for sustainable sourcing.

Supply Chain Transparency

Companies that rely on cobalt for their products are under increasing pressure to ensure transparency in their supply chains. This involves tracing the origin of cobalt and ensuring it is sourced responsibly.

Diversification of Supply

Due to the ethical and geopolitical concerns associated with cobalt from the DRC, efforts have been made to diversify cobalt sourcing by exploring alternative mines in other regions.


Recycling cobalt from used batteries and other products can help reduce the demand for newly mined cobalt and decrease environmental impact.

Technological Alternatives

Research is ongoing to reduce or eliminate cobalt usage in battery technology, or at least minimize the amount required per battery.

Government Regulations

Some governments have been considering regulations and initiatives to ensure responsible cobalt sourcing practices.

Significance of Ethical Cobalt Sourcing

Ethical cobalt sourcing refers to the process of obtaining cobalt used in various industries, such as electronics, batteries, and renewable energy technologies, in a manner that prioritizes social and environmental responsibility, as well as the well-being of workers and local communities involved in the production. It is essential to promote sustainability in the supply chain of cobalt-based products and to address the social and environmental challenges associated with its production. Various organizations, industry initiatives, and certifications work towards promoting ethical cobalt sourcing to create a more responsible and sustainable cobalt supply chain.

Ethical Cobalt Sourcing and Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology can be used to create a transparent and accountable supply chain for cobalt, a critical mineral used in the manufacturing of various high-tech products, including batteries for electric vehicles and electronic devices. Cobalt mining has faced ethical challenges, such as child labor, hazardous working conditions, and environmental damage, in some regions where it is sourced.

By utilizing this innovative technology, companies can enhance the traceability and visibility of the cobalt supply chain, ensuring that it is sourced ethically and responsibly. Here's how the combination of ethical cobalt sourcing and blockchain works:


Blockchain technology allows for the creation of an immutable and decentralized ledger, where every transaction and movement of cobalt can be recorded. This ledger can track cobalt from its origin (mines) through various stages of processing, refining, and distribution until it reaches the end-user.

Ethical Sourcing Verification

When cobalt is extracted from mines or other sources, relevant data about the mining location, labor practices, and environmental impact can be recorded on the blockchain. Third-party auditors can verify this information, ensuring compliance with ethical standards.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that automatically enforce predefined conditions when certain criteria are met. They can be used in the cobalt supply chain to ensure that all participants adhere to ethical practices. For example, the smart contract could release payment to the cobalt supplier only after it has been verified that the cobalt was sourced responsibly.

Decentralization and Transparency

Blockchain's decentralized nature means that no single entity has complete control over the data. This transparency helps in identifying any potential unethical practices or attempts to falsify information within the supply chain.

Consumer Awareness

By using blockchain, companies can create an interface that allows consumers to scan product QR codes or use mobile apps to access detailed information about the cobalt used in the products they purchase. This empowers consumers to make informed choices and support ethically sourced products.

Collaboration and Accountability

Blockchain encourages collaboration among stakeholders in the cobalt supply chain. Companies can work together to develop and implement ethical sourcing practices, while consumers and advocacy groups can hold them accountable by verifying the data recorded on the blockchain.

Certification and Standards

Blockchain-based supply chain systems can integrate with existing certification programs and standards for ethical cobalt sourcing, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance.

Responsible and Sustainable Practices in the Automotive Supply Chain

In a groundbreaking move towards promoting ethical cobalt sourcing, Ford Motor Company has joined forces with Huayou Cobalt, IBM, LG Chem, and RCS Global to leverage the power of blockchain technology. The collaborative effort aims to trace and validate ethically sourced minerals, with a specific focus on cobalt, a vital component used in electric vehicles and consumer electronics. The project, built on the IBM Blockchain Platform and powered by the Linux Foundation's Hyperledger Fabric, seeks to establish an open, industry-wide network to ensure responsible practices in the mining supply chain. Blockchain technology not only ensures real-time visibility of supply chain transactions but also enables the network participants to address compliance requirements effectively. The use of blockchain for supply chain management can drive trade finance, logistics, and reduce the risk of fraud, leading to improved operational efficiencies and cost reductions. Additionally, this initiative seeks to extend beyond cobalt to trace other battery metals and raw materials, including tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold, with a focus on industries like automotive, aerospace, defense, and consumer electronics.

Spydra's Role in the Ethical Cobalt Sourcing Initiative

Spydra's vast experience in working on responsible sourcing at all stages of the supply chain enables participating companies to progress from human-led risk management to technology-led impact generation. By bringing together crucial human expertise and experience with cutting-edge blockchain technology, Spydra's platform can strengthen the network's ability to empower vulnerable communities and protect the environment. Spydra's commitment to promoting ethical cobalt sourcing aligns with the broader purpose of the initiative - making a positive social and economic impact. By encouraging global participation across industries, the network aims to set a precedent for an open and democratic blockchain platform. This inclusive approach ensures that the responsible sourcing of minerals becomes a driving force in the automotive, aerospace, defense, and consumer electronics sectors.


Cobalt being the essential mineral of automotive industry invites the necessity of ethical cobalt sourcing and is also essential for addressing the social, environmental, and human rights challenges. By promoting transparency, responsible sourcing standards, and engagement with local communities, stakeholders can work together to create a more sustainable and ethical cobalt supply chain. Supporting recycling initiatives and exploring cobalt alternatives will further reduce the reliance on newly mined cobalt. Through collective efforts and a commitment to ethical practices, we can pave the way for a more responsible and equitable cobalt industry, fostering positive change for both the people involved and the planet as a whole.

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