
Top 5 Blockchain and IoT Benefits for Smart Homes

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Written by
Shivani Tripathi
Published on
December 20, 2022

Blockchain and IoT are two technologies that are set to revolutionize the way we live. Although they've both been around for a while now, they're only just starting to reach the mainstream.

Blockchain architecture is a digital ledger technology first developed as part of Bitcoin that helps keep track of transactions without needing any third party involved (hence why it's often referred to as "decentralized").


Meanwhile, IoT refers to any device with internet connectivity that can communicate with other devices or software over a network (think smartphones or smart home applications).

So what does this mean for our lives? Let's first understand what exactly blockchain and IoT are for smart homes and how they can benefit them more in the future.

What are Blockchain and IoT for Smart Homes?

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Blockchain, the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is a distributed ledger technology. It uses a decentralized database that can be shared across multiple systems and users. This allows transactions between parties to occur directly, without the need for intermediaries like banks or other third parties.

The blockchain database doesn’t have any central administrator either. Instead, it records every transaction in its history as new “blocks” are added to what we call the chain – thus creating an ever-growing chain of data entries that can never be erased or changed by anyone else.

A blockchain is a form of advanced digital ledger that records and verifies transactions between two parties. Each transaction is time-stamped and linked to the previous one, creating an unbroken chain that serves as evidence of its existence.

The main purpose of IoT is to make our lives easier by automating many tasks and processes, including home automationSmart homes are becoming more popular due to their ability to save time and money, improve energy efficiency and security, and provide convenience.

It's already starting to happen: for example, smart thermostats can learn your habits and adjust the temperature accordingly; smart refrigerators can tell you what food needs to be replenished; smart lights can notify you when they're running low on energy or need cleaning; smart appliances can monitor their usage and order replacement parts if necessary, and so on. 

Top 5 Benefits of Blockchain and IoT for Smart Homes

Now that we know what blockchain architecture and IoT are, we can move on to their applications for smart homes and how their potential applications are disrupting the industry.

Here are the top 5 benefits of blockchain and IoT for smart homes:

1. Added Smart Home Security Systems

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In the world of smart homes, blockchain is a way to add security. The most obvious benefit is that it can help prevent hackers from accessing your home. But blockchain can also help prevent hackers from accessing your data and/or your smart home devices.

Blockchain is decentralized, and all transactions are verified through consensus algorithms - meaning there isn’t just one centralized database for anyone to access.

If someone does manage to hack into one system or device in an IoT network, they won't be able to get their hands on everything else in it: they'd have to hack every single node at once (which would take ages).

Blockchain can also help protect you from identity theft. It creates a secure, immutable record of all transactions made between parties.

So if someone tries to hack into your system, they won’t be able to change what happened previously - it would just show up as a new transaction on the blockchain.

2. Convenient Smart Home Operations

You can perform multiple operations within your smart home's system thanks to blockchain and IoT.

Some examples of these applications are:

  • You can program your smart home to do its thing on a schedule. For example, you could set it up so that the air conditioner is turned off at 10 p.m., the fans are turned off at 10:30 p.m., and everything turns back on again at 6 a.m. every day - all without manually flipping a switch.
  • You can turn lights and other home appliances on and off. You’ll never have to worry about forgetting to turn off the lights when you leave for work in the morning ever again!
  • You can set up multiple schedules. You could set up your smart ecosystem, so the lights turn off when you leave for work but then back on again at 6 p.m. when your roommate or significant other gets home from work and needs to enter the house.

3. Smart Home Automation

Smart home automation is the ability of your home to control its devices with a smartphone. You can turn on lights, adjust the thermostat, and lock doors from anywhere in the world.

This feature has been available for years but has recently become more mainstream with the popularity of IoT devices such as Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple Watch.

Blockchain technology enables this level of smartness by creating an immutable record-keeping system that can be tracked over time by anyone who wants to see it.

It allows users access to their data while keeping them safe from hackers or other malicious actors who might try to steal personal information like credit card numbers or bank accounts.

4. Integrated Smart Home Features

One of the most exciting benefits of blockchain and IoT integration is that you can access all your smart home devices from one interface. There’s no need to dig through menus or log into different apps to control everything.

You can also change settings and check on things while you’re away from home, which makes it easier for everyone in the family to set up their schedules accordingly.

With voice control, you don’t even have to touch anything at all: just say “Hey, Google” or “Alexa” and tell her what you want to be done!

Voice recognition technology has grown leaps and bounds over the past few years; today's systems are accurate enough that they rarely mishear a command.

They'll even know what device needs changing based on context clues - if someone says "lights off," for instance, it will know whether "lights" refers specifically to lights or other types of lighting as well - making commands even easier than before.

5. Intuitive Smart Home Insights

In the past, smart home systems and devices were often seen as a luxury of the wealthy. However, as more and more people have adopted this technology at home, it has become much more accessible to everyone.

In addition to being more affordable than ever, blockchain technology has many benefits for homes with a smart system.

A blockchain network is created by individuals that wish to share information securely and anonymously. Data on your home automation system will be stored across multiple computers in different locations instead of only one central location, which could be vulnerable to hacking attempts.

It also ensures that every piece of information stored on your device is accurate because anyone who claims otherwise would need all parties responsible for storing your data to agree before any changes can occur.

This is something that most hackers would not want since they'd risk getting caught if they tried anything funny like this!


With the combination of blockchain and IoT, we can expect a lot more from smart homes. Added security, better integration, home automation, and much more are just some of the benefits that come with blockchain and IoT for smart homes.

It’s an exciting time to be living in, but we still have a long way to go before these technologies reach their full potential. However, at the pace that they are growing, it's clear that the future for these technologies is bright.

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