
How Spydra Helped Raymond Streamline Trade Loyalty And Combat Counterfeit?

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Written by
Shivani Tripathi
Published on
June 16, 2023

In today's competitive business landscape, establishing strong relationships with trade partners and ensuring the authenticity of products is vital for sustained success. Companies often face challenges in maintaining an efficient supply chain, particularly when it comes to loyalty programs and combating counterfeit products. Raymond, India's largest fabric retailer and a prominent player in the industry, was no exception. They encountered a crucial problem within their enterprise supply chain, resulting in the loss of track at the first level of B2B transactions. This issue had significant repercussions, including delays in tracking and verifying loyalty points, dissatisfied partners dropping off the program, and concerns among Level 1 buyers about the security of their network data.

Counterfeiting is a major problem that affects various industries worldwide. According to the OECD, counterfeiting represents approximately 2.5% of world trade, or $461 billion annually. This illegal activity is a major concern for businesses, governments, and consumers alike. Counterfeit products can cause serious harm to consumers, damage brand reputations, and result in significant revenue losses for businesses.

One industry that has been particularly affected by counterfeiting is the fashion and textile industry. This industry is responsible for a significant portion of the world's counterfeiting problem, with an estimated $450 billion in losses annually. This problem is not unique to the fashion and textile industry, however. Other industries that are frequently targeted by counterfeiters include pharmaceuticals, electronics, and automotive parts. The problem with counterfeiting in the fashion and textile industry is widespread, affecting everyone from manufacturers to retailers to consumers. Counterfeit products are often of inferior quality and can even be dangerous to consumers. Counterfeiters are able to make significant profits from their illegal activities, which are often used to fund other criminal enterprises.

Challenges Faced by Raymond

Raymond faced a crucial problem within their enterprise supply chain, the loss of track at the first level of B2B transactions resulting in a trust-based paper trail system for transferring loyalty points to trade partners at Level 2 and beyond. This led to manual tracking, verification delays, and dissatisfied partners dropping off of the program. Additionally, Level 1 buyers have concerns about a centralized tracking system safeguarding their network data.

Spydra's Proposed Solution

Spydra's blockchain implementation introduced real-time processing and smart contracts that automated various aspects of the loyalty program, enabling seamless and secure point transfers to trade partners. By eliminating manual tracking and verification, Spydra's solution reduced processing time, leading to a more efficient and satisfactory experience for all stakeholders. As a result, partners were more incentivized to remain in the program, fostering stronger relationships with Raymond.

Moreover, the decentralized nature of the blockchain addressed the concerns raised by Level 1 buyers regarding the security of their network data. With Spydra's solution, all transactions and data were securely stored and shared across the network, minimizing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. This decentralized approach instilled confidence among Level 1 buyers, encouraging them to participate more actively in the program and engage in trustworthy transactions.

Spydra's Asset Tokenization Platform

Spydra's asset tokenization platform played a crucial role in combating counterfeit products within Raymond's supply chain. By assigning unique digital identities to each product, Spydra ensured that every item could be easily tracked and verified throughout its lifecycle. This enabled buyers to scan the product's QR code and earn Raymond Reward points, validating its authenticity. As a result, last-mile tracking became a reality, eliminating doubts about the genuineness of transactions and creating a safer environment for both Raymond and its customers.

For Raymond, Spydra is implementing an enterprise private blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric that tokenizes Raymond's unique assets for end-to-end traceability, offering real-time processing, smart contracts, and transparency. Loyalty points incentivize network usage, reducing point transfer time and enabling product life cycle identification. Blockchain's trustless system protects Level 1 buyers' network data and resolves the problem of multiple claims. Additionally, the network incentivizes users with loyalty points at each stage of asset transfer, promoting wider adoption and usage at previously unexplored levels. This innovative solution not only reduces Raymond's points transfer time from an average of 2 months to real-time but also allows for the identification of a product's life cycle before it reaches the end consumer. The decentralized and trustless nature of blockchain addresses the concerns of Level 1 buyers regarding the protection of their network data.

Results and Benefits

The implementation of the above strategy yielded impressive results, resulting in substantial savings and increased productivity. The key outcomes achieved by the company were as follows:

$121 Million Saved Annually

By streamlining processes and implementing automation, the company successfully reduced operational costs, resulting in annual savings of $121 million. These savings were realized through reduced labor costs, increased efficiency, and minimized waste.

1400+ Hours Saved Monthly

Through the automation of manual tasks and the elimination of redundant processes, the organization achieved significant time savings. Over 1400 hours were saved each month, allowing employees to focus on higher-value activities and strategic initiatives.

Improved Productivity and Efficiency

With streamlined operations and a reduced manual workload, the organization witnessed a notable improvement in productivity and efficiency. Employees could now dedicate more time to critical tasks, leading to faster turnaround times and improved overall performance.

Enhanced Employee Satisfaction

By automating repetitive tasks, employees were freed from mundane activities, allowing them to focus on more meaningful and challenging work. This not only increased job satisfaction but also created a positive work environment, resulting in higher employee retention rates.


Spydra's blockchain-based solution provided Raymond with a transformative way to streamline its trade loyalty program and combat counterfeit products. By implementing a private enterprise blockchain network, Spydra enabled real-time processing, smart contracts, and transparency across the value chain. The incentivization of trade partners through loyalty points resulted in increased network adoption and reduced point transfer time. Additionally, the decentralized nature of the blockchain addressed Level 1 buyers' concerns about data protection and eliminated multiple claims over assets. Spydra's asset tokenization played a pivotal role in verifying product authenticity and enabling last-mile tracking. With automated smart contracts ensuring secure and efficient transactions, manual tracking and verification were significantly reduced, empowering Raymond to track the entire lifecycle of its products, from manufacturing to retail. With Spydra's innovative blockchain solution, Raymond gained a competitive edge in the market while building trust and loyalty among its trade partners and customers.

To learn more, get in touch with our experts today.

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