
Spydra's Comprehensive Guide to Asset Tokenization

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Written by
Shivani Tripathi
Published on
May 25, 2023

In recent years, the advent of blockchain technology has revolutionized various industries, enabling businesses and enterprises to explore new avenues of growth and efficiency. One of the most exciting applications of blockchain is asset tokenization, which has the potential to reshape the way we perceive and interact with traditional assets. In this beginner's guide, we will delve into the world of asset tokenization, demystifying its concepts and showcasing its benefits.

Quick Overview of Asset Tokenization

Asset tokenization refers to the process of converting physical assets or rights into digital tokens on a blockchain network. These tokens represent ownership or fractional ownership of the underlying asset. By leveraging blockchain technology, asset tokenization provides numerous advantages such as increased liquidity, enhanced transparency, and improved accessibility to a wider pool of investors.

The Role of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology acts as the backbone for asset tokenization, ensuring security, immutability, and decentralization. Blockchain, in simple terms, is a distributed ledger that records transactions across multiple computers or nodes, eliminating the need for intermediaries. By leveraging the power of cryptography, blockchain ensures that transactions are secure and tamper-resistant.

Why Choose Spydra As Your Low-Code Asset Tokenization Platform?

Spydra's platform provides an API-driven,  user-friendly interface and pre-built functionalities that simplify the process of tokenizing assets without extensive programming knowledge. You should choose Spydra's platform due to the following reasons:

a) Security: Our platform has robust security measures in place to protect the integrity of the asset and the transactions carried out on the blockchain network.

b) Compliance: We adhere to regulatory frameworks to ensure that tokenized assets are compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

c) Scalability: Our platform can handle a high volume of transactions and scale as your tokenization needs grow.

d) Integration: Spydra's platform offers seamless integration with existing systems and blockchain networks, allowing for interoperability and data synchronization.

Benefits of Asset Tokenization

a) Increased Liquidity: It unlocks liquidity by allowing assets that were previously illiquid or difficult to trade to be divided into fractional shares. This fractional ownership enables investors to buy and sell tokens in smaller denominations, thereby increasing liquidity and creating a more efficient market.

b) Improved Accessibility: It democratizes investment opportunities by breaking down barriers to entry. Tokenized assets can be traded 24/7, and fractional ownership allows individuals with limited capital to participate in investments that were once reserved for high-net-worth individuals or institutions.

c) Enhanced Transparency: Blockchain-based asset tokenization ensures transparency and immutability of transactions. Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing an auditable trail of ownership and eliminating the possibility of fraud or manipulation.

d) Cost Efficiency: Traditional methods of asset transfer and ownership entail significant administrative and legal costs. It also streamlines these processes, reducing paperwork, middlemen, and associated costs. Additionally, blockchain eliminates the need for intermediaries, resulting in faster and more cost-effective transactions.

Asset Tokenization Use Cases

It can be applied to various asset classes, including real estate, art, commodities, intellectual property, and even digital assets. Let's explore a few examples:

a) Real Estate: Tokenizing real estate properties enables fractional ownership, making it easier for investors to diversify their portfolios and participate in the real estate market with smaller investments.

b) Art and Collectibles: Tokenizing art and collectibles provides greater liquidity and enables the fractional ownership of valuable assets. It also simplifies the process of buying, selling, and transferring ownership.

c) Commodities: Tokenizing commodities such as precious metals, oil, or agricultural products allows for fractional ownership and more efficient trading, providing access to a broader range of investors.

d) Intellectual Property: Tokenizing intellectual property rights allows creators to monetize their work more easily by selling fractional ownership. It also simplifies licensing and royalty distribution processes.

Four Easy Steps to Get Started With Spydra

Spydra is the ultimate platform for Businesses enabling them to leverage the full power of this blockchain revolution through our next-generation API-driven infrastructure.

Follow these four easy steps to kickstart your blockchain journey with Spydra:

Step 1: Create Spydra Account

You can create an Account with Spydra with just a few clicks using your Google account or by entering the details and verifying your email.

Sign up with Gmail

  • Navigate to
  • Click on 'Signup with Google'.
  • Login to your Google account or select the account if you are already logged in.
  • Once you verify the Gmail account, your signup process will be complete, and you will be redirected to Spydra Console.
  • Signing up your Email and Password.
  • Navigate to
  • Enter the required details like Name, Email, and Password.
  • Then click on 'Create Account' to verify your email address.
  • You will receive a verification email on the email address entered
  • Verify the email by clicking the verification link that you received on the email address.
  • Once your email is verified, your signup process will be complete.
  • Please refresh the tab where you were Signing up.


Once your account is created, you can create or join an organization with an invite. Then create a network to deploy your app onto that network. You can also invite other organizations to join you on the network.

Step 2: Create an Organization

Navigate to the Organization section in the Spydra platform from the top nav bar; you can view the list of Organizations if you have already created one or joined other organizations.

  • Click on Create Organization.
  • Enter Organization Name.
  • All the Billing details.
  • Click on Create Organization.
  • Voila! Your Organization has been created.

Note: Once an organization is created, you can invite your team as organization members and create a network to deploy your app onto that network. You can also invite other organizations to join you on the network.

Step 3: Create a Network

Navigate to the Network section in the Spydra console, you can view the list of Networks if you have already created one or if your organization is already part of other Networks.

  • Click on 'Create Network'.
  • You will enter the network creation wizard, and the first step is to enter network details - organization, network name, network tenant name, and network description.
  • You'll be prompted to create an organization if you haven't created an organization earlier. Once you create an organization, you'll be redirected to the Network creation wizard.
  • You have to update the configuration details in the next step of the network creation wizard. Here, you can choose the cloud service provider, deployment cloud region, number of nodes (peers, orderers, etc.), hosting type (shared/dedicated), and whether media storage is required or not (IPFS requirement for network)
  • Once you select the responses from the dropdowns, click Next.
  • You can review the entered details on the Confirm details and click on Confirm & Create. If any changes are required, you can navigate to the previous section to update the changes and proceed again to deploy.
  • Congratulations! Your Network has been created. You can now see the Created Network under the Networks list.

Step 4: Deploy Apps  

A Hyperledger Fabric Network is a prerequisite for deploying the applications. If you do not have a network already, you will be prompted to create a network and redirected to the deploy application.

To deploy a pre-configured App type on a Hyperledger fabric network, there are two different methods:

Check out here.

Future Outlook and Challenges

The future of this blockchain revolution appears promising, with the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems and unlock new opportunities. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed, including regulatory frameworks, interoperability between different blockchain networks, and establishing trust and adoption among traditional market participants.

To Wrap Up

Asset tokenization powered by blockchain technology is transforming the way we think about and interact with assets. This beginner's guide by Spydra has provided a comprehensive overview of asset tokenization, its benefits, and use cases. By simplifying the process of dividing assets into digital tokens, asset tokenization paves the way for increased liquidity, improved accessibility, and enhanced transparency. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, asset tokenization will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping the future of finance and investment.

Remember, the world of asset tokenization is vast, and this guide only scratches the surface. Dive deeper into the subject, explore real-world examples, and stay up to date with the latest developments to gain a comprehensive understanding of this exciting field.

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