
Asset Tokenization as an Alternative to Traditional Startup Funding Methods

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Written by
Shivani Tripathi
Published on
May 30, 2023

This article is a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs and startups out there who are seeking innovative approaches to raising capital. In the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship, startups face numerous challenges when it comes to raising capital. Agree? Traditional funding methods, such as venture capital and bank loans, have long been the go-to options for entrepreneurs seeking financial support. However, in recent years, a new funding method has emerged as a disruptive force in the startup ecosystem – Asset Tokenization. Yes, you heard it right. Let's dig deeper into this!

As we know, blockchain asset tokenization is the process of converting real-world assets into digital tokens. These tokens represent ownership or fractional ownership of the underlying assets, which can include anything from real estate and art to intellectual property and commodities. By leveraging blockchain technology, asset tokenization offers startups a unique and innovative approach to funding their ventures. In this blog post today, we will explore how it is revolutionizing the startup funding landscape and why it is gaining traction as a viable alternative to traditional funding methods.

Bid Farewell to Traditional Startup Funding Methods

Asset Tokenization provides an alternative funding avenue for startups, offering increased liquidity, access to a broader investor base, cost-effectiveness, transparency, security, fractional ownership, and the automation of processes through smart contracts.

Increased Accessibility to Startup Funding

One of the key advantages of this innovative solution is the increased accessibility it offers to startup funding. Traditionally, startups have faced significant barriers when trying to access capital, particularly from venture capitalists and traditional financial institutions. These funding sources often require startups to meet stringent criteria, such as a proven track record, high growth potential, and substantial collateral. For many early-stage startups, meeting these requirements can be a daunting task.

This blockchain revolution, on the other hand, opens up new avenues for fundraising by enabling startups to tap into a global pool of investors. Through token sales or initial coin offerings (ICOs), startups can reach a diverse range of investors, including retail investors, accredited investors, and even institutional investors. This democratization of funding allows startups to access capital more easily, regardless of their geographical location or stage of development.

Fractional Ownership and Liquidity in the Market

Asset tokenization allows startups to offer fractional ownership of their assets, thereby increasing liquidity in the market. By dividing assets into smaller units represented by tokens, startups can attract a broader base of investors who may not have the financial means to purchase the entire asset. This fractional ownership model creates a liquid market for tokens, enabling investors to buy, sell, or trade them on digital asset exchanges.

The liquidity provided by asset tokenization has several benefits for startups. Firstly, it allows them to unlock the value of illiquid assets, such as real estate or fine art, without having to sell the entire asset. Startups can retain partial ownership and continue to benefit from any potential appreciation in value. Secondly, the liquidity of tokenized assets enables investors to exit their positions more easily, providing them with greater flexibility and reducing the risk associated with long-term illiquid investments.

Also Read: A Look at the Blockchain-Induced Capital Market Sector

Enhanced Transparency and Security of Assets

Blockchain technology, which underpins asset tokenization, offers enhanced transparency and security compared to traditional funding methods. Every transaction involving tokenized assets is recorded on a distributed ledger, providing an immutable and auditable record of ownership and transfers. This transparency reduces the risk of fraud and enhances trust among investors.

Additionally, smart contracts, programmable agreements that self-execute when predefined conditions are met, can be deployed on the blockchain to automate various processes, such as dividend distributions and voting rights. This automation eliminates the need for intermediaries, such as lawyers or brokers, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Global Market Access to Reach Investors

It allows startups to tap into a global market of investors, breaking down geographical barriers. Through token sales, startups can reach investors from different countries and regions, who may have different investment preferences or regulatory environments. This global market access can provide startups with a more diverse investor base and potentially attract investors who are interested in specific asset classes or industries.

Furthermore, asset tokenization can enable startups to overcome limitations imposed by local regulations. In some jurisdictions, certain types of fundraising methods, such as equity crowdfunding, are subject to stringent regulatory requirements. It can also offer startups a compliant and efficient alternative to raise funds, as the tokens can be structured to comply with specific regulatory frameworks.

Potential for Disruptive Innovation

In addition, it has the potential to drive disruptive innovation across various industries. By tokenizing assets, startups can introduce new business models and unlock previously untapped value. For example, in the real estate industry, tokenization enables fractional ownership of properties, allowing individuals to invest in high-value properties with small amounts of capital. Similarly, in the art market, tokenization can democratize access to art investments, making it possible for a broader range of individuals to own shares in valuable artwork.

Moreover, the liquidity and divisibility of tokenized assets can facilitate the development of new financial products and services. For instance, startups can create tokenized investment funds, allowing investors to gain exposure to diversified portfolios of assets. This innovation has the potential to reshape traditional investment practices and open up new opportunities for both startups and investors.

Tokenized Investment Funds: Notable Example

Tokenized investment funds serve as intermediaries between investors and projects, bridging the gap for individuals seeking to make sound investment choices. Notable examples include 22X and Blockchain Capital, pioneering tokenized companies in their respective domains. 22X, for instance, invested in a group of 30 startups that graduated from the renowned 500 Startups accelerator. On the other hand, Blockchain Capital focuses on investing in blockchain enterprises. These funds have demonstrated remarkable performance, with Blockchain Capital's net asset value growing by over 500% since 2017, and their tokens being traded on OpenFinance.

The value of tokenized investment funds lies in their ability to assist regular investors who face challenges in making informed investment decisions. Such decisions necessitate extensive research into companies and projects, which is often beyond the time and expertise of the average person. This challenge is magnified when investing in private companies that lack stock exchange listings and corresponding disclosures or delving into the intricacies of the crypto realm with its complex technical and economic models. Consequently, investors are left with two options: either refrain from investing altogether and miss out on significant returns, or take the risk of investing independently and potentially losing money.


Asset tokenization is indeed reshaping the startup funding landscape by providing increased accessibility, fractional ownership, liquidity, transparency, and global market access. By leveraging blockchain technology, startups can tap into a global pool of investors, unlock the value of illiquid assets, and introduce disruptive innovation across industries. While asset tokenization is still a relatively nascent concept, its potential to transform traditional funding methods and empower startups is undeniable. As the technology matures and regulatory frameworks evolve, asset tokenization is likely to become an increasingly prevalent and viable alternative to traditional startup funding methods.

Wanna get started with Asset Tokenization, contact Spydra today! 

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