Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode Lifecycle Management

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities. Here are our top 10 to use in 2022.
Written by
Shivani Tripathi
Published on
July 18, 2023

Hyperledger Fabric, an enterprise-grade blockchain framework, offers a robust architecture for building decentralized applications. A critical aspect of Hyperledger Fabric is the lifecycle management of chaincode, also known as smart contracts. In this fourth chapter of our Hyperledger Fabric series, we will delve into the intricacies of Hyperledger Fabric chaincode lifecycle management. One of the critical aspects of building decentralized applications on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain framework is effectively managing the lifecycle of chaincode, also known as smart contracts. By understanding the key steps involved in deploying, upgrading, and retiring chaincode, developers and organizations can ensure the seamless integration and maintenance of their blockchain applications.

Quick Overview of Hyperledger Technologies

Hyperledger is an open-source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is not a specific blockchain or cryptocurrency but rather a collection of blockchain frameworks, tools, and libraries that are designed to support the development of enterprise-grade distributed ledger applications.

Hyperledger was initiated by the Linux Foundation in 2015, and it brings together various organizations, including technology companies, financial institutions, supply chain providers, and more, to collaborate on the development and adoption of blockchain-based solutions.

The Hyperledger project aims to provide a modular and flexible framework for building distributed ledgers with specific features and capabilities required by enterprise applications. It offers several blockchain frameworks, including Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Sawtooth, Hyperledger Besu, and Hyperledger Indy, each with its own focus and use cases.

Hyperledger Fabric, for example, is a popular framework for building permissioned blockchains, where participants are known and trusted. It provides features like smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, and privacy enhancements, making it suitable for a wide range of enterprise applications such as supply chain management, trade finance, and healthcare.

Hyperledger Sawtooth, on the other hand, emphasizes scalability and modularity. It supports both permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks and offers a pluggable consensus mechanism, allowing users to choose the consensus algorithm that best suits their needs.

Hyperledger Besu is an Ethereum-based blockchain framework that focuses on enterprise use cases. It offers compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and supports Ethereum tooling, making it easier for developers familiar with Ethereum to work with enterprise-grade applications.

Hyperledger Indy is specifically designed for decentralized identity management. It provides a platform for creating and managing self-sovereign identities, enabling individuals to control and manage their own digital identities securely.

What is Chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric?

In Hyperledger Fabric, chaincode refers to the smart contracts or business logic that governs the transactions and interactions within a blockchain network. Chaincode defines the rules and procedures for how data can be read from or written to the ledger, allowing participants to interact with the blockchain and perform specific actions.

Key characteristics of chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric include:

1. Distributed Execution: Chaincode is executed on multiple peers in a distributed manner. Each peer validates and endorses transactions according to the defined chaincode logic.

2. Secure Sandbox: Chaincode is executed within a secure sandbox environment, isolating it from the underlying infrastructure and ensuring that it does not have direct access to system resources.

3. Programming Language Flexibility: Hyperledger Fabric supports chaincode development in various programming languages such as Go, Node.js, and Java. This flexibility enables developers to choose the language they are most comfortable with.

4. Versioning: Chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric supports versioning, allowing for the deployment of different versions of the same chaincode. This feature facilitates seamless upgrades and maintenance of the blockchain network.

5. Transaction Endorsement: Chaincode defines the endorsement policy for transactions. Endorsement is the process where designated peers validate and sign transactions based on the defined rules. The endorsement policy determines the required number of endorsements for a transaction to be considered valid.

6. Access Control: Chaincode can include access control logic to enforce permissions and restrictions on who can perform specific actions or access certain data within the blockchain network.

Chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric plays a critical role in implementing business processes, validating transactions, and enforcing the rules of the network. It provides a flexible and customizable way to define the logic and behavior of the blockchain network, enabling participants to interact securely and reliably with the ledger.

Also Read: Hyperledger Fabric Consensus Mechanisms: Exploring the Options

Understanding Fabric Chaincode Lifecycle Management

Hyperledger Fabric provides a comprehensive chaincode lifecycle management framework to enable the secure and efficient deployment, upgrading, and retirement of smart contracts. The lifecycle management process encompasses various stages, including development, packaging, installation, approval, commitment, invocation, upgrade, and retirement. Each stage plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity and functionality of the blockchain network.

Chaincode Development and Packaging

Developers write the chaincode logic using programming languages such as Go, JavaScript, or Java, aligning with the application's business requirements. Once the chaincode is developed, it needs to be packaged into a deployment package. This package includes the chaincode source code and any dependencies required for execution.

Installation and Approval

The chaincode package is installed on the target peers within the Hyperledger Fabric network. Each organization participating in the network must install the chaincode package on their respective peers. After installation, the chaincode goes through an approval process. Designated organizations review and assess the chaincode to ensure it meets security, compatibility, and compliance standards.

Commitment and Invocation

Once the chaincode is approved by the required organizations, it can be committed to the blockchain network. The commit operation makes the chaincode available for invocation and execution. Users or applications can interact with the deployed chaincode by invoking its functions. Chaincode functions can read from and write to the blockchain ledger, enabling the execution of business processes.

Upgrading Chaincode

Over time, there may be a need to update or upgrade the chaincode to introduce new features or fix bugs. Chaincode upgrades follow a similar process as the initial deployment, including approval and commit stages. Upgrading ensures that the blockchain network can adapt to evolving business requirements.

Retiring Chaincode

When a chaincode is no longer needed, it can be retired from the network. Retiring a chaincode involves removing it from the peers and ensuring that it is no longer available for invocation. Proper retirement management enhances the network's efficiency and reduces unnecessary clutter.


Hyperledger Fabric chaincode lifecycle management is a crucial aspect of maintaining a robust and efficient blockchain network. By following the well-defined steps of development, packaging, installation, approval, commitment, invocation, upgrade, and retirement, organizations can ensure seamless deployments, upgrades, and retirements of chaincode. This process not only guarantees the integrity and security of the blockchain network but also facilitates the adaptation of applications to changing business requirements. As Hyperledger Fabric continues to evolve, mastering the intricacies of chaincode lifecycle management will enable developers and organizations to harness the full potential of this enterprise-grade blockchain framework.

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